Microdermabrasion Treatment

Improve Skin Tone, Texture, and Overall Appearance with Microdermabrasion

Microdermabrasion is a minimally invasive medi spa treatment option that reduces the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, acne, decreases pore size, and bumps on the skin. After just one microdermabrasion session, your skin will look smoother and younger. At Maloney Plastic Surgery, we recommend routine microdermabrasion treatments to clients who want to improve the tone, texture, and overall appearance of their skin. Read on to learn more about the benefits of microdermabrasion, and then call us to schedule a consultation.

What is Microdermabrasion and when is it recommended?

What is a Microdermabrasion Treatment?

Microdermabrasion treatments use a specialized applicator that has an abrasive diamond tipped surface. This applicator is designed to gently exfoliate and remove the outermost layers of your skin to reveal younger, smoother, and healthier looking skin beneath. Because the procedure is relatively gentle and minimally invasive, it is low-risk and suitable for almost all skin types and tones. Dr. Maloney and his experienced team of skin care specialists can determine if you are a good candidate for microdermabrasion treatment.

Who Should Consider Microdermabrasion?

You should consider microdermabrasion if you are unhappy with the tone, texture, or appearance of your skin due to aging. Microdermabrasion can help clients who have:

  • Acne and acne scars
  • Age spots
  • Blackheads
  • Dry or dull skin
  • Enlarged pores
  • Hyperpigmentation
  • Melasma
  • Stretch marks
  • Sun spots and sun damage
  • Uneven skin tone and texture

What are the benefits and risks of Microdermabrasion?

Microdermabrasion Benefits

Microdermabrasion can stimulate the growth of healthy new skin cells while getting rid of old, dull, flaky, and dead skin cells. By revealing newer and healthier skin, microdermabrasion treatments can improve your appearance and help you look younger. Microdermabrasion also thickens collagen, which is a protein that is crucial for keeping your skin smooth, firm, and elastic. After a series of microdermabrasion facials, we can reduce:

  • Age spots
  • Enlarged pores
  • Fine lines and wrinkles
  • Acne
  • Sun damage
  • Skin discoloration and uneven skin tone

Risks of Microdermabrasion

There is a very low risk of negative side effects with microdermabrasion. It is a safe, gentle, and minimally invasive medi spa treatment that doesn’t require numbing, anesthesia, or downtime. You may experience mild bruising, redness, discoloration, tenderness, sensitivity to sunlight, flaky skin, or dry skin. These issues should go away within a few days or a week.

What to Expect During a Microdermabrasion Consultation

At a consultation for a microdermabrasion, one of our experienced skin care specialists will evaluate your skin tone and texture and discuss your skincare goals, your current skincare regimen, and your current skin issues. This will help us determine if microdermabrasion facials are right for you and your skin. We may use Vectra 3D imaging to view sun damage, broken capillaries, and the overall appearance of your skin. We use these images as a baseline and to design your microdermabrasion treatment plan. We will also compare your results to these photos after completing a series of microdermabrasion treatments so that we can evaluate improvements in the quality of your skin. We can also recommend other medispa treatments that will complement microdermabrasion.

Meet Dr Maloney

Dr. Maloney is a Harvard trained, board certified plastic surgeon who returned to his home town of Tucson, AZ to open Maloney Plastic Surgery in 2002.

Microdermabrasion Preparation and Process

Preparing for Microdermabrasion

Because microdermabrasion is minimally invasive and nonsurgical, you don’t need to do much to prepare for the procedure. Make sure to bring up all your skin care concerns with Dr. Maloney and our skin care specialists. We may tell you to avoid sun exposure, using tanning products or tanning beds, or getting waxed for a few days before your treatment. We will also ask you to arrive at your appointment with clean skin free of makeup, lotions, creams, gels, serums, and perfumes.

How Microdermabrasion Facials are Performed

Dr. Maloney or one of our experienced skin care specialists will use a small instrument to gently exfoliate the uppermost layer of your skin. We can perform microdermabrasion treatments on your face, neck, and chest. We do not need to use any kind of numbing cream or anesthesia for the procedure. We will either have you lie down on a treatment table or sit in a reclining chair. We will then use a small handheld device to sand away the outer layers of skin in the targeted treatment areas.

Results from Microdermabrasion Treatments

You should not have any downtime or recovery time after microdermabrasion. You can immediately return to your normal activities. We recommend that you use gentle, hydrating skin care products and avoid using anything that contains retinol or acne-fighting ingredients for the first day or two after your treatment. You will see immediate results after your treatment. After several microdermabrasion treatments, you should have smoother and younger looking skin.

Schedule a Consultation for Microdermabrasion in Tucson, AZ

Call us today or contact us online to schedule a consultation for microdermabrasion in Tucson, AZ. Dr. Maloney and his experienced skin care specialists will determine if you are a good candidate for microdermabrasion.