Broad Band Light (BBL)/Photofacial

Broad Band Light (BBL)/ Photofacial is a procedure that uses broad band light to safely and effectively permanently reduce or eliminate red and brown spots in the skin. At Maloney Plastic Surgery we offer the Scition Broad Band Light (BBL) which is the latest and most advanced Broad Band Light (BBL)/ Photofacial in the market.

The Broad Band Light (BBL)/ Photofacial allows our Certified Medical Laser Technicians to deliver pulsed light energy to unwanted areas of pigment on the face, neck, chest, arms and upper back. This safe and effective procedure is best for fair skin types. Most areas require 2-4 treatments at 4-6 week intervals.

When you come in for your initial consultation, you will meet with one of our Certified Medical Laser Technicians. Maloney Plastic Surgery is one of the only practices in Tucson, AZ to offer VECTRA 3D (three-dimensional) technology to our patients. One of the first things we will do at your consultation is use VECTRA imaging technology to take a 3D image of your face. This exciting technology will allow us to show you the red and brown sun damage in your skin on the 3D image. We are excited and proud to offer this amazing technology to our patients.

After VECTRA imaging, your Certified Medical Laser Technician will review your VECTRA photographs and examine you to determine if you are a good candidate for the procedure. They will discuss details of the procedure, show you before-and-after photos and answer any questions you may have.

You will discuss the areas you want hair removed with your technician and they will work with you to determine if you are a good candidate for the procedure.

If you choose to have Broad Band Light (BBL)/ Photofacial performed, you will schedule to come back for the procedure. Typically BBL procedures are not performed the same day as your initial consultation.

You will meet with one of our Certified Medical Laser Technicians and choose a date for your Broad Band Light (BBL)/ Photofacial procedures to begin. You should avoid sun exposure for a minimum of two weeks before your Broad Band Light (BBL)/ Photofacial treatment. You should not have tan skin. If your skin is more darkly pigmented or is tan, the energy from the BBL devise will be absorbed by the skin and not the brown and red spots that we are attempting to eliminate.

Broad Band Light (BBL)/ Photofacial takes about 30 minutes to a couple of hours depending on the area and number of areas we are targeting. The technician will cover your eyes using protective eye shields. She will apply a cool gel to your skin and then use the BBL device to apply energy to the targeted red and brown spots at the desired wavelength. You will see a “flash” of light each time the pedal of the BBL is depressed and energy is delivered. This “flash” is very bright and can be startling to patients the first time. Cool compresses may be used for comfort to cool the area if necessary.

After Broad Band Light (BBL)/ Photofacial you should avoid hot tubs, the gym or excessive sun exposure for 24 hours. You will see your red and brown spots turn dark and “sluff” off over the course of 3-5 days. You should avoid picking the areas. If you have any questions during the recovery phase, please call the office any time, day or night.

Broad Band Light (BBL)/ Photofacial minimizes red and brown spots caused by sun damage. After a Broad Band Light (BBL)/ Photofacial treatment your skin will be more even, the spots in your skin will be significantly reduced and your complexion will appear more bright and youthful.

Broad Band Light (BBL)/ Photofacial has risks, and it is your personal decision whether benefits outweigh the risks. Common risks include hyperpigmentation, hypopigmentation and the need for additional procedures. Most of these are temporary. There are also more uncommon, complicated risks, such as scaring, burning of the skin, injury to the eye, etc. For a full list of risks, go to


Dr. Maloney’s consultations are in two parts. The first part is the virtual consultation where you will fill out some basic information such as the procedure you are interested in having performed, and you will upload a front and side view photo. Dr. Maloney will review these and determine if you are potentially a surgical candidate as well as give you pricing. After this portion is complete, you will come in for the in-person consultation to discuss your goals and the surgery in greater detail.


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    Dr. Maloney has some of the most Highly Qualified and Experienced Skin Care Specialists in Tucson.