What Should You Expect from a Breast Augmentation Consultation?

What Should You Expect from a Breast Augmentation Consultation?

If you are interested in breast augmentation surgery, then one of the first steps you should take is to schedule a consultation. Breast augmentation consultations are an extremely important part of the process, as they allow you and your plastic surgeon to work together to make sure that this procedure will give you the results you’re looking for and that you can have a breast augmentation safely. At Maloney Plastic Surgery, we are one of the only practices in Tucson that uses Vectra 3D imaging technology to help plan your procedure, starting with the first consultation. If you decide to explore your options for breast augmentation surgery, here is what to expect at your first consultation. 

Vectra Imaging

Your appointment will start with Vectra 3D imaging. We will take images of your body from the belly button to your neck to determine which kinds of implants would be the best for you and if your breasts are different sizes, so that the implants you get are sized precisely. This 3D technology also allows us to virtually try out different implant sizes and types to allow you to see from all angles what the final results would be. 

Physical Exam and Medical History

During the consultation, you can also expect to have a physical exam performed by Dr. Maloney, so he can determine if you are a good candidate for implants. Dr. Maloney will also ask questions about your medical history and current medications to ensure that you can recover from surgery safely. It may be necessary to stop some of your medications for a period of time before surgery, in consultation with Dr. Maloney and your other providers. 

Implant Discussion

One of the biggest decisions you will need to make about your implants is whether to opt for saline or silicone. There are several factors to consider, from the width of your breasts to your treatment goals. Dr. Maloney will review the options with you and help you make the best choice for your body and desired outcomes. 

Find out more about breast augmentation surgery by scheduling a consultation at Maloney Plastic Surgery. To make an appointment for a breast augmentation consultation in Tucson, call (520) 298-2330.


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