What Exactly Is a Gummy Bear Implant?

What Exactly Is a Gummy Bear Implant?

If you have been considering breast augmentation surgery, then you have probably encountered the term “gummy bear implant.” These kinds of implants get their name from the way that the gel-like material inside of them mimics the consistency of a gummy bear. These kinds of implants maintain their shape well and provide natural-looking results. Here is what you need to know about what exactly gummy bear implants are and who should consider them.

Gummy Bear Implant Basics

Gummy bear implants are made of silicone gel with a silicone outer shell. Many women are unsure about the safety of gummy bear implants because of the bad press that silicone implants received in the past for leakages. However, gummy bear implants are different from their predecessors. In the past, silicone implants were made of a silicone liquid that would spill out if the silicone shells were ruptured. As Dr. Maloney demonstrates in this video, the gel inside gummy bear implants does not leak out no matter how much the shell is damaged. It holds its shape completely, which means there is no risk of leakage.

Good Candidates for Gummy Bear Implants

Gummy bear implants have a teardrop shape, in contrast to the distinct, round shape of other breast implants. This shape mimics the appearance of natural breasts more closely, with a less full upper portion and slight curvature at the bottom. If you don’t want the round look of traditional implants, then gummy bear implants could be right for you. However, if you prefer to have a dramatic increase in size and prefer to have the same amount of fullness in all parts of your breasts, you may prefer traditional implants. Your plastic surgeon can help you determine which implants align best with your treatment goals.

Find out more about gummy bear implants and breast augmentations in Tucson by making an appointment at Maloney Plastic Surgery. Call us at (520) 298-2330 to schedule a consultation.


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