Spotlight on Our Out of Town Services

Spotlight on Our Out of Town Services

While we love our local patients, we’re also proud to welcome about 15% of our patients from out of town to have surgery with Dr. Maloney. Plastic surgery isn’t like any other medical procedure—it requires highly personalized care that, unfortunately, is not always what plastic surgery centers deliver. Maloney Plastic Surgery strives for a patient-centric experience whether the patient has traveled to us from a few doors down or from across the globe. Here’s a closer look at what patients can expect with our out of town services. 

Your First Consultation

Thanks to virtual medicine, we can host your first consultation with Dr. Maloney remotely. Upon booking your first appointment, we’ll have you send pictures to our practice along with some patient history forms so that Dr. Maloney can determine which procedures will best fit your goals. During your virtual consultation, you’ll be able to discuss your options for surgery and ask any questions you might have about those procedures.  

Arranging Your Surgery

From here, you’ll work closely with our patient coordinator to plan any necessary medical care that you can take care of locally prior to your trip. You’ll also book your surgical consult along with a window for your surgery the day after your in-person consult. 

Planning Your Recovery

The type of surgery you receive will influence our recommendations for how long you should stay in Tucson following your surgery. Some procedures may only need a few days for recovery while more complex surgeries like a facelift or tummy tuck will require that you stick around for a couple weeks. We’ll help you book your travel arrangements. Thanks to partnerships with several local hotels and home healthcare providers, we can help you plan for a comfortable, successful recovery away from home. 

Book your virtual consultation with Dr. Maloney by calling Maloney Plastic Surgery at (520) 298-2330. We’re happy to answer any questions you have about our out of town care.


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