Medical Grade Skin Care

Medical grade skincare is a term that is used to differentiate products and service that are clinically proven from the non-medical grade products and services that simply feel and smell good. The products and services offered at Maloney Plastic Surgery Skin Care are designed to assist in the treatment of skin such as acne, rosacea, melasma, or something as simple as anti-aging. The products and services we offer are different from that of a spa where the facials and products look and feel nice, but often times do not clinically change anything.

A good medical grade skin care home regimen in combination with in office procedures is great for any age and any skin type that wants to restore or keep beautiful skin. Complex skin conditions such as acne, rosacea and melasma require a good medical grade skin care program to treat these conditions. Many of the services we offer lift sun damage to keep your skin radiant and beautiful.

When you come in for your initial consultation, you will meet with one of our skin care experts. Maloney Plastic Surgery is one of the only practices in Tucson, AZ to offer VECTRA 3D (three-dimensional) technology to our patients. One of the first things we will do at your consultation is use VECTRA imaging technology to take a 3D image of your face. This exciting technology will allow us to view the red and brown sun damage and broken capillaries in your face and will allow us to monitor your progress with our skin care program. We are excited and proud to offer this amazing technology to our patients.

Your skin care expert will work with you to determine your skin care concerns and goals. She will design an individualized program unique to you and your skin problems, goals and budget.

There is nothing to do to prepare to begin a great medical grade skin care regimen. Just call and schedule an appointment to start to see more beautiful and clear skin.

There are many at home products and procedures in the office that are part of a medical grade skin care program. Each patient and their plan is unique.

After you begin your medical grade skin care program, often times your skin will look worse before it looks better. This is because the deeper layers of damage need to come to the surface and then be removed. You may experience redness and peeling from some of the products or procedures. This will all depend on the problem your skin care expert is working with you to treat. After three months your skin should look more radiant, beautiful and more even.

The benefit of beginning and continuing a medical grade skin care program with a team of experts such as the ladies at Maloney Plastic Surgery Skin Care is that you can correct stubborn skin problems and more importantly keep your skin healthy and beautiful.

As with any product or procedure there are risks. The risks are very minimal with medical grade skin care products and procedures. The risk of unsatisfactory result and  allergic reaction are the most common, but communication with your skin care expert can remedy this efficiently and effectively.


Dr. Maloney has some of the most Highly Qualified and Experienced Skin Care Specialists in Tucson.