Mastopexy-Augmentation: What to Expect After Surgery

Mastopexy-Augmentation: What to Expect After Surgery

A mastopexy-augmentation can provide a major boost to your self-confidence and help you feel more youthful. Discover what you can expect after your mastopexy surgery at Maloney Plastic Surgery in Tucson, AZ. 

What is mastopexy-augmentation?

Mastopexy-augmentation refers to the process of receiving a breast lift and implants. A mastopexy will alter the nipple position and the size of the areola, as well as shift the breast tissue to create a more lifted appearance. The augmentation procedure utilizes a saline or silicone implant to increase the size of the breast and change the shape. Patients can expect more volume and a more youthful appearance after their procedure. 

What is the mastopexy after-care process?

After your mastopexy-augmentation, you will leave your appointment with bandages over the small incisions used to insert your implants. You’ll be able to remove them one day after your surgery, and you’ll come by our office one to three days after for a post-operative exam to ensure that everything is healing properly. You may experience a low grade fever or tightness in the chest, both of which are completely normal. 

In addition to your post-op exams and check-ups, we recommend that you get plenty of rest and eat high amounts of protein to facilitate the healing process. It’s also advisable to avoid smoking cigarettes or drinking alcohol after your procedure. 

How will my mastopexy look after surgery?

You will not see the final shape and size of your breasts until about three weeks after your surgery, as your implants will need a bit of time to fall into the pocket. Try not to buy any new clothes or bras until this time has passed, lest you purchase an ill-fitting garment by mistake. 

Contact Maloney Plastic Surgery

Maloney Plastic Surgery provides professional mastopexy-augmentations in Tucson, AZ. For more information on our cosmetic procedures or to schedule an appointment, call (520) 298-2330. You can also request a consultation here


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