Give Your Skin a Refresh with a Superficial Chemical Peel

Give Your Skin a Refresh with a Superficial Chemical Peel

The colder months can lead to dry, dull skin. If you’re ready to give your face a much-needed reprieve from winter weather, our professional superficial chemical peels at Maloney Plastic Surgery in Tucson, AZ can revitalize your skin and promote a youthful glow. 

What is a superficial chemical peel?

A superficial chemical peel is a cosmetic treatment designed to revitalize tired, dull skin. Every peel is tailored to address your individual skincare goals. A peel can target signs of aging like fine lines and wrinkles, acne, hyperpigmentation or dark spots, dullness, rosacea, and more. A peel can involve the application of several layers of the chemical solution we use to enhance your skin, but some patients may only need a single layer. 

What can I expect during and after my treatment process? 

During your superficial chemical peel, you may feel a slight stinging on your skin. This is completely normal and should dissipate quickly. Your skin may be shiny and red for a few hours to two days after your treatment, and it may begin to peel for 4 to 5 days. Again, this is to be expected and is simply an indication that the treatment is working as it should. Any peeling you notice is due to the successful elimination of dead skin cells. 

What are the benefits of a superficial chemical peel?

After your superficial chemical peel, you will experience an increase in collagen production and facial rejuvenation. This translates to the promotion of smooth, glowing skin. You may also spot a decrease in pore size and a reduction in the amount of oil your skin produces. 

Contact Maloney Plastic Surgery

Maloney Plastic Surgery provides professional superficial chemical peels for improved skin tone and texture in Tucson, AZ. For more information on our cosmetic procedures or to schedule an appointment, call (520) 298-2330. You can also request a consultation here.


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