“Forever Young” BBL 101 for Patients

“Forever Young” BBL 101 for Patients

Are you noticing an increase in the severity of fine lines, wrinkles, and other signs of aging skin? While it can be difficult to prevent the effects of time on your skin, you can mitigate and even reverse these changes with our “Forever Young” BBL treatments at Maloney Plastic Surgery in Tucson, AZ. Here’s what you need to know. 

What is “Forever Young” BBL?

“Forever Young” Broad Band Light, or BBL, is a cutting-edge medical procedure that promotes the rejuvenation of aging skin for a more youthful appearance. In addition to reducing the intensity of fine lines and wrinkles, “Forever Young” BBL can also target sun damage, acne, redness, age spots, and vascular lesions. Patients can receive treatments anywhere from 2 to 4 times a year depending on their age and individual skin concerns. 

How does “Forever Young” BBL work?

“Forever Young” BBL utilizes an advanced form of light therapy to alter the expression of genes that affect your skin. As we age, certain genes that provide a youthful glow begin to ‘turn off,’ while other genes that manifest as signs of aging are ‘turned on.’ The light energy provided by “Forever Young” BBL treatments promotes the alteration of gene expression for both cosmetic and functional results. 

What can I expect from my “Forever Young” BBL consultation?

Interested in experiencing the benefits of “Forever Young” BBL for yourself? Simply come in for a consultation with one of our Certified Medical Laser Technicians at Maloney Plastic Surgery. Our team will take simple, quick 3-D images of your face to determine your candidacy for the procedure and answer any questions you may have. 

Regain a youthful glow with our professional “Forever Young” BBL treatments at Maloney Plastic Surgery in Tucson, AZ. For more information on our cosmetic procedures or to schedule an appointment, call (520) 298-2330. You can also request a consultation here.


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