Don’t Wait Until Bathing Suit Season to Be Ready for the Bikini!

Don’t Wait Until Bathing Suit Season to Be Ready for the Bikini!

When the air is chilly and the days are short, the last thing you are likely to be thinking about is bathing suit season. However, winter is the right time to get your body bikini-ready. You have probably heard the expression that summer bodies are made in the winter, and that old adage definitely holds true if you are considering plastic surgery or another kind of body sculpting procedure. Don’t wait until its time to suit up to wish that you had done more to get ready for summer. Here are some of the things you can do now, so you can look forward to summer with confidence.

Breast Augmentation

If you’re dissatisfied with the size of your breasts, winter is the perfect time to do something about it with a breast augmentation. During breast implant surgery, your plastic surgeon can help you achieve the cup size and fullness you want to feel comfortable in your bathing suit. If you have different concerns about your breasts, talk to your plastic surgeon about other treatment options, such as a breast lift or breast reduction.

Tummy Tuck

Having kids, losing a large amount of weight, or just simple genetics can all contribute to the appearance of a pooch on your tummy, even when your weight is healthy and stable. If this sounds like you, then a tummy tuck can help give you the sleek physique you want. If your problem is not excess skin or muscle stretching but rather stubborn fat that doesn’t respond to diet or exercise, your plastic surgeon may recommend liposuction instead to give the same results.

Vanquish Fat Reduction

If you’re looking for a non-invasive procedure, then Vanquish Fat Reduction could be right for you. This treatment uses radio-frequency energy to heat fat tissue, which in turn causes it to dissipate. There is no downtime required, and the procedure can be performed in a medical spa without the need for anesthesia.

Maloney Plastic Surgery offers these procedures and many more to help you look and feel your best. To find out how we can help you get ready for bikini season, call (520) 298-2330 to make an appointment with our plastic surgeon.  


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